Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Javanese Attraction

A week before the wedding, I was greeted by a bride to be Nana, who is super nice, friendly and has a sincere smile. She met me to make a decision which car that suits for her wedding. She fell in love with the Mercedes Benz Batman Limousine, while she thought the Mercedes Benz White Ponton is also looks cute.

But well, maybe like love, when you just fall in love with someone then you will stuck on that person. That's how what she felt too. Temptation will always come, but she always will choose her true love. So she decided to take her first choice, Mercedes Benz Batman Limousine.
And last Sunday, me and team be a part of her wedding. When I came in to the place of ceremony, I found out that the wedding is in a Javanese tradition-packed wedding. Jogjakarta to be exact. The unique sight that I rarely see, in fact I never see it before,there are some women dressed like "abdi dalem" in keraton.
Then I found that their participation in this wedding is to carry the "kembar mayang". As i read, kembar mayang is a symbolic of the glory and the sacred of the wedding, and also to get a rid of some bad influences.
This wedding has all the little details which hold a very deep historical meaning. I then recalling my own wedding, which is also in a Javanese-tradition wedding, using Solo routines. Well, although as we know Solo and Jogjakarta are "neighbours", some rituals are different each other. Indonesia is blessed to have many rich traditions and heritages.
At the wedding, I finally met the groom, Daru, who is also as kind, calm and an overall nice guy. They fit each others.
After the ijab qabul and the tradition ceremony in Mesjid Baitussalam, we take the bridegroom to have their wedding reception at Hotel Mulia Senayan.
Coincidentaly, the Batman Limousine is parked next to its "grandchildren", the Mercedes Benz SLS AMG. Although me love classic cars, I don't mind to have a car like this one.
Yeah, daydreaming, hahahaha..
So cheers to both Nana & Daru. May you have a beautiful journey together.

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